Undergraduate Courses

First-Year Seminar: The Culture of Technology (Geog 062); Spring 2023 course syllabus

World Regional Geography (Geog 120); Fall 2022 course syllabus

U.S. Historical Geographies (Geog 254); Spring 2023 course syllabus

Political Geography (Geog 453):  Fall 2023 Syllabus

Geographic Research – Capstone Seminar (GEOG 697)


Graduate Teaching 

I teach graduate seminars in geography, social theory, and science studies.  Recent graduate courses include:


Graduate Advising 

Doctoral Students/Projects:

  • David Havlick, Ph.D. (2006) “Bombs Away: New Geographies of Military-to-Wildlife Conversions in the United States”
    • Professor, Department of Geography & Environmental Studies, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
  • Joseph Palis, Ph.D. (2008) “Cinema Archipelago: The Geography of Philippine Film and the Post-National Imaginary”
    • Professor of Geography and International Studies, University of the Philippines-Diliman
  • Craig Dalton, Ph.D. (2012), “Mashing-up Maps: Google Geo Services and the Geography of Ubiquity”
    • Associate Professor of Global Studies & Geography, Hofstra University
  • Conor Harrison, Ph.D. (2014) “Power for All? Electricity and uneven development in eastern North Carolina”
    • Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of South Carolina
  • Michael Hawkins, Ph.D. (2022) “From Colonial Cargo to Global Containers: An Episodic Historical Geography of Manila’s Waterfront.”
    • Lecturer, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan.

Masters Students/Projects:

  • Haruna Suzuki, M.A. (2014) “Science for Galápagos? Science and its Publics in the Galápagos Islands”
  • Michael Hawkins, M.A.  (2017) “Liberty Call at Sunset: Belonging, Ageing Masculinities and Transnational Marriage in Subic Bay, Philippines”
  • Lisa Marshall, M.A.  (2017) “Nuclear Renaissance? Contemporary Geography of the US Nuclear Energy Industry”
  • Nicolas Scheffer, M.A. (2020) “Infrastructural Violence and the Afterlives of Road Building: Creating a Haitian Space in 20th Century Occupied Haiti”
  • Majerle Lister, M.A. (2021) “Navajo Desire in the Settler-Colonial Present: Overgrazing, Grazing Regimes, and Development”


current students:*

Caitilin McMillan,  refugees, belonging, peacebuilding, conflict resolution, gender, trauma (co-advising with Prof. Olson)

*Prospective graduate students who are interested in working with me as an adviser/dissertation supervisor are welcome to email me with a statement (formal or informal) of research interests.  Regrettably I will not be sponsoring new students for admission this year (2024-2025).
