recent publications
Lentz, C.C. and Kirsch, S. 2024. “Postcolonial Conflict in Southeast Asia: Rethinking the Shatterbelt with Colonial Rupture in Asia’s Cold War” in C. Flint and K. Dempsey (eds.), Making Geographies of Peace and War, pp. 128-148. London: Routledge.
Kirsch, S. 2023. American Colonial Spaces in the Philippines: Insular Empire. London: Routledge (Routledge Research in Historical Geography).
Gerstner, N., Hall, A.R., and Kirsch, S. 2023. An Archive of Good Roads and Racial Capitalism in North Carolina. Human Geography 16(2): 221-230.
Kirsch, S. 2021. “Technology as a keyword” in M. Domosh, M. Heffernan, C.W.J. Withers (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Historical Geography, pp. 680-697. (via
Kirsch, S. 2020. Cratered landscapes. New Geographies 11 Extraterrestrial: 104-108
Kirsch, S. 2020. “Historical-geographical materialism” in A. Kobayashi (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd edn. Vol. 7, pp. 31-36. Oxford: Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-102295-5.10470-6 (via
Kirsch, S. 2017. Aesthetic regime change: The Burnham Plans and US landscape imperialism in the Philippines. Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 65(3): 315-356.
Crampton, J, Ginn, F., Kirsch, S., Kobayashi, A., Naylor, S., and J. Seemann. 2017. Teaching the history of geography: Current challenges and future directions. Progress in Human Geography 41(2): 245-262
Kirsch, S. 2016. Insular territories: US colonial science, geopolitics, and the (re)mapping of the Philippines. The Geographical Journal 182(1): 2-14. (via
Kirsch, S., and Flint, C. 2015. “Geographies of Reconstruction: Rethinking Post-War Spaces” in M. Turner and F.P. Kühn (eds), The Politics of International Intervention: The Tyranny of Peace, pp. 39-58. London: Routledge. (via
Kirsch, S. 2015. West Philippine Sea? ASEAN Sea? What’s in a Name. Geography Directions (online publication), posted October 22, 2015:
Kirsch, S. 2015. Cultural geography III: Objects of culture and humanity, or, re-‘thinging’ the Anthropocene landscape. Progress in Human Geography 39: 818-826.
Kirsch S. 2014. Cultural geography II: Cultures of nature (and technology). Progress in Human Geography 38: 691-702.
Kirsch S. 2014. “War and Peace” in P Cloke, P Crang, M Goodwin (eds), Introducing Human Geographies, revised 3rd edn, 542-555. London and New York: Routledge. (via
Kirsch S. 2013. Cultural geography I: Materialist turns. Progress in Human Geography 37: 433-441.
Kirsch S. 2012. State, Space, World: Selected Essays by Henri Lefebvre. Antipode 44: 1042-1049.
Kirsch, S. and Flint, C. (eds). 2011. Reconstructing Conflict: Integrating War and Post-War Geographies. Ashgate, Critical Geopolitics Series (& Routledge 2016 Reconstructing Conflict )
- Kirsch, S. and Flint, C. 2011. “Introduction: Reconstruction and the Worlds that War Makes” pp. 3-28.
- Kirsch, S. 2011. “Object Lessons: War and American Democracy in the Philippines” pp. 203-225. (via
- Flint, C. and Kirsch, S. 2011. “Conclusion” pp. 315-320.
Kirsch, S. 2011. “Laboratory/Observatory” in J. Agnew and D. Livingstone (eds), The Sage Handbook of Geographical Knowledge, pp. 76-87. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Fox, K.S., Hennessy, E., Kirsch, S., Marshall, L., Safransky, S., Thoyre, A., Tiitsman, J. 2010. Book review essay: A catalog of things. On Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy by Latour and Weibel (eds). Social & Cultural Geography 11: 191-199.
Kirsch, S. 2010. The Allison Commission and the national map: Towards a republic of knowledge in late nineteenth-century America. Journal of Historical Geography 36: 29-42. (via
Kirsch, S. 2009. “Historical-geographical materialism” in N. Thrift and R. Kitchen (eds), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Vol. 5 pp. 163-168. London: Elsevier. (via
Kirsch, S. 2007. Ecologists and the experimental landscape: The nature of science at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site. Cultural Geographies 14(4): 485-510. (via
Kirsch, S. 2005. Proving Grounds: Project Plowshare and the Unrealized Dream of Nuclear Earthmoving. New Brunswick, NJ, and London: Rutgers University Press.
Kirsch, S. 2004. Harold Knapp and the geography of normal controversy: Radioiodine in the historical environment. Osiris, Vol. 19: Landscapes of Exposure: Knowledge and Illness in Modern Environments, G. Mitman, M. Murphy, and C. Sellers (eds), 167-181.
Kirsch, S., and Mitchell, D. 2004. The nature of things: Dead labor, nonhuman actors, and the persistence of Marxism. Antipode 36(4): 687-705.
Havlick, D. and Kirsch, S. 2004. A production utopia? RTP and the North Carolina Research Triangle. The Southeastern Geographer 44(2):123-137.
* *All posted publications and images are provided for educational and research (non-commercial) uses only.
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