Undergraduate Research in Political Geography
Undergraduate Research in Political Geography
Inquiry-based learning in Political Geography (Geog 453) has been supported through the Graduate Research Consultant (GRC) Program of UNC’s Office of Undergraduate Research.
Recent undergraduate research projects in Political Geography have included:
The Geographies of Social Movements: https://geographiesofsocialmovements.web.unc.edu/
Experiences at the US/Mexico Border: https://experiencesusmexicoborder.web.unc.edu/
Case Studies in Border Disputes and Separations: borderlandsandborders.web.unc.edu
Land Expropriation: Landscape, Politics & Identity: https://geog453.wixsite.com/landexpropriation
Urban Growth and Change: Case studies in urban gentrification: https://urbanshift.web.unc.edu
Migrant Farm Workers Social Movement: www.migrantfarmworkers.web.unc.edu
Electoral Geographies: The Legitimacy of Democracies Around the Globe: https://globaldemocracies.web.unc.edu/
Urban Exclusion in North Carolina: https://urbangrowthnc.weebly.com/
Geographies of the 4th and 5th Amendments: https://billofrights4and5.web.unc.edu
The Power of a Vote: The power of a vote: Electoral geographies
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