“Technology, nature, and war in the twentieth century”

Posted by on Mar 19, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments


An interesting set of abstracts have been posted on the conference website for our session on Technology, nature and war in the twentieth century to be presented at the International Historical Geographers Conference in London July 2015.


Technology, nature, and war in the twentieth century
Convenor(s) Oliver Belcher (University of Oulu, Finland)
Scott Kirsch (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
Chair(s) Oliver Belcher (University of Oulu, Finland)
Timetable Thursday 09 July 2015, Timeslot 3 (14:15 – 16:00)
Session abstract This session interrogates how the introduction of new forms of technology, propaganda, computation, data visualization, and subtle entanglements with the non-human led to profound transformations in representation and war in the middle of the twentieth century. The papers in this session span thematically from World War II through the Vietnam War. This was an era in which big machines and scientific discovery, novel uses of animals, and state-of-the-art forms of geo-visualization were durably integrated into the infrastructures of militaries all over the world, with abiding effects on knowledge production and practices. The session begins, in the spirit of Raymond Williams, by framing technology as a “keyword,” and the subsequent speakers present a slice of the enduring ramifications of various war-time technologies on interpretations of threat, objectivity, visuality, and nature.